Sleepy Town


"Sleepy Town" unfolds with a drowsy ambiance, its slow tempo lulling listeners into a dreamy state. The four long fermatas towards the end signify someone drifting into slumber. Amidst this, the right hand crossing over the left in the middle imparts a tranquil and soothing quality to the piece.


"Sleepy Town" unfolds with a drowsy ambiance, its slow tempo lulling listeners into a dreamy state. The four long fermatas towards the end signify someone drifting into slumber. Amidst this, the right hand crossing over the left in the middle imparts a tranquil and soothing quality to the piece.

"Sleepy Town" unfolds with a drowsy ambiance, its slow tempo lulling listeners into a dreamy state. The four long fermatas towards the end signify someone drifting into slumber. Amidst this, the right hand crossing over the left in the middle imparts a tranquil and soothing quality to the piece.

Sleepy Town, by Albert Rozin. Played by René Johnson.