The Red Poppy


“The Red Poppy," also known as "The Russian Sailor Dance," starts with a slow tempo, progressively accelerating throughout. The melody alternates between the right and left hands. The piece culminates with spirited 16th notes, played fortissimo and sfz, creating a vibrant and powerful finale.


“The Red Poppy," also known as "The Russian Sailor Dance," starts with a slow tempo, progressively accelerating throughout. The melody alternates between the right and left hands. The piece culminates with spirited 16th notes, played fortissimo and sfz, creating a vibrant and powerful finale.

“The Red Poppy," also known as "The Russian Sailor Dance," starts with a slow tempo, progressively accelerating throughout. The melody alternates between the right and left hands. The piece culminates with spirited 16th notes, played fortissimo and sfz, creating a vibrant and powerful finale.

The Red Poppy by Albert Rozin. Played by René Johnson.